On this page we have several group photos from varous times in our history.
This group photo was taken on October 7, 2015. Shown, left to right, are Bill Brawn, Bill Courtwright, Timothy Zamora, Eddie Kosar, Ervin Hester, Tom Knoflicek, Kathy Jolly, Steve Kutra, George Jolly.
The photo is available in three file formats and two trims. The image above is the "narrow" trim, referring to the height, not the width.
- JPEG file, narrow trim, size 3.5MB
- PNG file, narrow trim, size 29.9MB
- TIF file, narrow trim, size 39.1MB
- JPEG file, taller trim, size 4.4MB
- PNG file, taller trim, size 38.9MB
- TIF file, taller trim, size 50.1MB
This group photo was taken by Cindy Gentry in August, 2009.
You can download higher-quality versions of the photo (right click to download):
- 300dpi JPEG file (702KB)
- 600dpi JPEG file (2.4MB)
- Adobe PDF file (10.7MB)
- Photo without captions, TIF file (10.4MB)
To view or print PDF files you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available from Adobe's Web Site. Adobe and Acrobat Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
This group photo was taken in August, 2000. It will probably be the last group photo featuring George Krejci, who had been our lead trumpet and mentor for years. George retired from the band in November, 2000.
You can download higher-quality versions of this picture:
- Photo with captions in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. (3mb)
- Photo with no captions in .tif format. (9mb)
- Photo with no captions in .png format. (7mb)