Our band logo, a drawing of a man playing an old tuba, with a boy listening. Text image saying Friends of Old World Music, a Texas non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, home of Kovanda's Czech Band
Our band logo, a drawing of a man playing an old tuba, with a boy listening, and the name of our charity.

Kovanda's Czech Band 2001 Calendar of Events!

April 1, 2001 (Sunday)
Harris County Chapter, Czech Heritage Society of Texas
Spring Fest, SPJST Lodge 88, Houston.
We play 11am-3pm (with some breaks for other events), followed by Harry Czarnek and the Texas Dutchmen.
April 29, 2001 (Sunday)
Austin Czech Historical Association benefit dinner for
Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center, La Grange, Texas
June 3, 2001 (Sunday)
Treemont Retirement Center
2501 Westerland Drive, Houston, Texas
We play 1:15pm-2:45pm.
September 2, 2001 (Sunday)
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Picnic
Knights of Columbus Hall, Hallettsville, Texas
We play 11am-1pm
September 8, 2001 (Second Saturday)
Caldwell Kolache Festival
10am-12pm, South Stage, corner of Buck & Echols streets
Caldwell, Texas.
September 23, 2001 (Sunday)
Texas Wendish Heritage Society
Wendish Festival at the Wendish Heritage Museum (979-366-2441)
Serbin, Texas.
11:15AM - 2:15PM
October 13, 2001 (Saturday)
Austin Czech Historical Association
October 20, 2001 (Saturday)
Heritage Festival, Fireman's Park, Brenham, Texas
Dance 7pm-10pm
October 27, 2001 (Saturday)
Czech Heritage at Corn Hill, Corn Hill, Texas
Czech Mass 5pm
Dance 7pm-11pm at Moravian Hall
November 7, 2001 (Wednesday)
Treemont Retirement Center, 6:30pm
November 24, 2001 (Saturday)
Klecka 50th Wedding Anniversary
Dallas Sokol